When your Finances Affect your Mental Health
In the world we live in today, many people equate their worth with the amount of money they make. It’s no surprise when the music we listen to and the people we surround ourselves with make fun of others for having less than they do. It is important to remember that in order to have more, you have to be willing to put in the work. We all start from somewhere, and we all have different sets of resources available to us. It will take longer for some than it will for others who are following a similar path.
Even though they say money can’t buy happiness, we know that it would fix a majority of our problems. We need to understand that we cannot wait till we reach our goals to be happy. So enjoy the journey and trust the process. You will have everything you want eventually, as long as you have discipline and continue to grind.
Be kind to yourself, and don’t compare yourself or your progress to others around you. Money is important to function in our world, but it is not the main goal you should strive for. Instead of focusing on being happy, focusing on experiencing, learning from your mistakes, and living in the moment. Happiness will come as a byproduct.