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Rural America Suffering Silent Housing Crisis


As The Atlantic points out in a new report published on Wednesday, it’s not just the big cities – like New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco – where affordable housing for low-income families is difficult to come by.

In fact, according to the news source, rural America is suffering its own affordable housing crisis, as many of the homes available to low-income families are in terrible condition.

“When we are looking at areas that are most challenged economically we’re also finding some of the most challenging housing conditions,” says David Dangler, the director of Rural Initiatives at NeighborWorks America.

Sheila Crowley, president of the National Low-Income Housing Coalition added, “Much of the affordable-housing stock in rural housing areas is old and in need of repair. Many of the people who live there don’t have the resources that they need in order to keep the houses in good repair.”

Image via flickr/Melissa Johnson

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