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Real Estate Investors Drawn to Big Cities

While New York City has long had a reputation for good real estate investment, several other cities are also now following close behind. London, Singapore and Hong Kong are becoming hot spots for real estate investment. Around the world, there

Hilton Experiences Credit Card Security Breach

Hilton Hotels recently confirmed that they experienced a series of credit card security breaches last year and earlier this spring. These breaches occurred at several hotel restaurants, gift shops and other stores. The hotel group launched an official investigation of

Credit Card Skimmer Use Is On the Rise

The police recently arrested five suspects for stealing personal information from gas pumps, prompting an official investigation of credit card skimmers. “It’s crazy,” said Craig VanBuren, director of the Consumer Protection Section at Michigan’s Department of Agriculture. “What we’re finding

Mortgage Applications On the Rise

Despite the higher interest rates of the past five months, buyers are still taking out home loans at an increasing rate. According to a survey by the Mortgage Bankers Association, mortgage applications increased 6.2 percent last week, up from the

Warren Buffett Purchases Dallas Real Estate Firm

Warren Buffett recently bought Allie Beth Allman & Associates, a real estate firm in Dallas which specializes in luxury properties. “Allie Beth Allman & Associates is a strong company with an exceptional reputation in a growth market,” said Ron Peltier, chairman

Real Estate Industry Sees New Trends

A new survey from reveals three hot new real estate trends: inviting, rustic and beachside charm. These trends are based on people’s preferences and what they want in a house. Inviting spaces offer an open atmosphere with lots of
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