A low credit score can hold you back from accomplishing your goals. Luckily, you may be able to raise your score by 100 points or more by following these seven tips. The best part is these changes can make a
If you subscribe to the “out of sight, out of mind” view of your credit score, you’re not alone. However, you could be setting yourself up for financial trouble down the road. Ignoring this all-important indicator of your financial wellness
Do you carefully examine your credit card statement each month? If you don’t, you could be missing sneaky charges. When you make purchases online, many companies include fees or service charges that aren’t clearly listed in the pricing information –
Missing loan payments can affect your credit in many ways. Here is the process of how late payments work: Late payments are reported on day 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180, which are negative marks on your credit score.
If you receive pre-approved credit card offers in the mail, you may be wondering where they come from. Keep in mind that receiving a preapproved credit card offer does not impact your credit score. So you’re safe there. But, accepting
Peer to peer lending is an online platform that allows you to borrow directly from an individual instead of from an institution. Peer to peer lending is growing in popularity because it’s a simple process that’s a win-win for borrowers
Do you want to pay down your debt fast without going broke? Here are two strategies to try: •Debt avalanche: Here’s how the debt avalanche strategy work: You pick the debt with the highest interest rate and pay that one
A personal loan with a set payoff period is a great option to choose if you want to consolidate debt and there are many great deals out there, if you’re willing to shop around. Benefits include: •One monthly payment •A
It used to be the only way for a collection item to disappear from your credit report was to wait seven years from the date it was first reported. But, now you can do a little bit more. If you
When you’re in credit card debt, you may be searching for a way to get out of it fast. The option of a payday loan might come to mind. The purpose of a payday lender is to offer a solution