If you’re swimming in a sea of credit card debt, you may feel desperate to get out of it by any means necessary. You’re going to get tons of ideas on how to escape. But, not all of them are
Do you ever wonder what people with good credit do that’s so different from everyone else? Important financial habits that contribute to a good credit score, includes paying your bills on time, and spending money
If you’re looking to get a credit card, but are being told you need a co-signer, there are other options. One of the best being, you can become an authorized user on someone
This might seem counterintuitive, but here’s why it’s true. Lenders look for evidence that you pay your debts, so establishing a long, positive credit history will actually contribute
It may sound a bit obvious, but credit cards can help you build up your personal finances. Here’s how: They can function as your emergency fund. Financial experts are always
Credit that’s considered good is in the 700 range. And with that type of credit, you’ll be able to buy a house, even though some think you can only get a house with excellent credit. The place where you’ll see
Experian Boost is a free service that allows you to count utility and phone bills that are paid off on time toward improving your credit score. As of July 27, this now also includes paying off Netflix monthly payments. Down
When you’re looking to retire, you’ll need to keep in mind your retirement plan. Here is some advice: Medicare isn’t guaranteed. Medicare isn’t cheap. You’ll still need to choose from policies. You might need a new policy if you move
Even though states are allowing more businesses to reopen at this time, it’s still not necessarily a great time to be a small business owner. As you move to reopen your company, you’re going to need to reevaluate how each
While getting your finances under control may seem difficult, it isn’t impossible. Here are a few tips: Set up a budget and prioritize your spending. Pay off debt and keep it in a controllable place. Don’t miss bill payments. Plan